Paperwork Etc for going Across the Channel

Marina immigration notice for non-Schengen citizens

The new C1331 form

RYA Boating Abroad – Paperwork


In a search on the RYA website there were ” No Results found for “tonnage”! “

Stop Press – from the Cruising Association re Ports of Entry

“The UK leaving the EU meant that boats arriving in France from the UK or Channel Islands are required to sail to one of a small number of “Ports of Entry” (mainly the ferry ports) and search out the relevant authorities – usually the Police aux Frontières – to register the arrival of their boat and crew. This same process of going through a Port of Entry would also be necessary before departing France for the UK or Channel Islands (or indeed any non-Schengen country). This presents CA members, and other sailors coming from the UK to France, with a potential problem for many passages. Two of the CA’s HLRs have been aware of this extra challenge to cruising for sometime and have been working with the local marinas, the marina associations and local officials to try to simplify it. Now, as a result of their efforts, the French government has announced a process to allow entry at any French port. A form is now available from web sites which can be downloaded, completed and submitted by email to the local administrative Port of Entry prior to arrival. Providing all is acceptable then boats may enter another port. This is already underway for Le Havre and other ports will follow on rapidly. This is a significant improvement and removes a major hurdle for boats visiting France. We are all grateful to the CA’s Honorary Local Representatives (HLRs) Keith Martin in St Cast and Magali Hamon in Cherbourg for their efforts on our behalf. As an example see the attached form from the Le Havre web site. Note this must be completed for each crew member. Further details on the detailed process and the CA web address for the relevant forms will be on the CA web site as soon as possible. Bob Garrett
Joint Channel Secretary”  
The Cruising Association, CA House, 1 Northey Street, Limehouse Basin, London E14 8BT
Registered in England Number 05838052

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