Submit Race Results Form
To send in your results, complete this “Submit Race Results” form for each race that you participate in. Please complete the requested fields and select the race and class from the dropdown menus before submission. The time limit for handing in / sending results is 18:00 on the day following the race. For a group of races such as Poole-Alderney-Poole it is the following day of the last race of the group. There shall be no exceptions! Failure to comply shall result in a boat being deemed to have retired. The full rules can be found within the Red Book. This form is not to be used to notify changes to Boat or Contact Details
* = Required fields ## = Where possible, this information should be included
Reminder from the Red Book
Competitors are required to use GPS time, if no GPS is available watches should be synchronised to the radio time signals pips.
- All competitors shall record their finishing times in all races in hours, minutes and seconds using BST.
- All competitors are required, when circumstances permit, to identify and time the finish of the boat immediately ahead and astern as accurately as possible.
- All competitors are required to give their times to the Records Secretary as soon as possible.
- The time limit for handing in results is 18.00 on the day following the race. For a group of races such as Poole-Alderney-Poole it is the last race of the group. There shall be no exception. Failure to comply shall result in a boat being deemed to have retired and scored in accordance with SI 11.4.
For races finishing away from Poole, finishing times should be handed to the Class Captain as soon as possible to enable him to produce a provisional result. This does not replace the obligation to also notify the Records Secretary as described above.
The Race(s) competed in,
The Name, Class and Sail Number of the boat,
Your Email Address,
The Finish Time in BST Hrs/Min/Sec,
Where possible the name or sail number of the boat ahead and astern,